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Book launch: Sixteen Small Deaths: A Collection of Stories

death storiesSixteen Small Deaths, according to the publisher, is a collection of short fiction culled from nearly a decade of work from Boston-based author, Christopher J. Dwyer. The stories in the collection skirt the edges of noir, horror and science-fiction, sometimes bringing the hazy boundaries of all three genres together within a single piece. Sixteen Small Deaths will take the reader on a journey of heartbreak and terror while diving into the dark recesses of the mind, claims the press note.

It further boasts of  a collection of short fiction that will break your heart, shatter your soul and unravel the boundaries of space and time”.

According to the publisher, Christopher J. Dwyer is a writer from Boston, Massachusetts. His work has appeared in numerous online and print publications, as well as many anthologies. He describes his fiction as a mix of horror, noir and science fiction. Christopher is the author of When October Falls, a novel that breached the emotional limits of science fiction.

Christopher lives in the suburbs of Boston with his wife and daughter.


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