Poem: Ghazal
By: Deeya Bhattacharya
You alight, in the very dawn, of love;
Far away, from the milky sky, above,
Enmeshed, your presence, in my offerings-
Cannot bid adieu, but continue, suave,
Gentle you go, into my bosom far-
Keep pace, with my sighs, and heaving’s of love;
As lake waters, slightly laps, ‘gainst pebbles;
So thrusts, motions of ecstasy, in wafts;
The night turns day, and days into nights mould
But, my affections do not seize, but serve:
A continuous prelude, symphony,
Of joyful thrushes, a paradise carved-
Oh! My lips, of remembrances, let kiss:
Carry away, from sordidness, and love.