Literary Yard

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Poem: Forgetting is to inject insulin to a diabetic

By: April Mae M. Berza


Forgetting is to inject insulin to a diabetic
I feel in my blood the sweetness of pain
The pain in my blood is swelling for a week.

To remember you is to make me unsick
For a while, I uninhale sadness I’ve gained
Forgetting is to inject insulin to a diabetic.

I smell sugar in my urine, very unrealistic,
That I taste fear battling only to be slain
The pain in my blood is swelling for a week.

Every memento is warmth when it’s bleak
Like a fireplace for someone insane,
Forgetting is to inject insulin to a diabetic.

The only time I am okay is when I lick
Lollipops and candies every time it rains;
The pain in my blood is swelling for a week.

The moments I place in jars, I could not speak
For the only moments in jars I place are plain,
Forgetting is to inject insulin to a diabetic
The pain in my blood is swelling for a week.


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