Literary Yard

Search for meaning

By: Pijush Kanti Deb

The humiliated prayers
turn their eyes to other beckoning hand
leaving slowly the hand-
own but unfortunately unmindful
to their own miseries
and found always
ambidextrous and unabated
to refuse the humble prayers
to hear and sanction a dignity,
rather senseless to prove itself
as a dogmatic self-styled monopolist
discriminating its daily business
with the compelled frogs
living in a deep and dark well of compulsion
forgetting the presence of other hands-
scattered here and there
on the land-nearby or far away
who may solicit the insulted prayers
of the jumping frogs
with diplomatic love and care
and with a charismatic shelter,
digging a few dirty drains to spread
the disease of heart-drain and soul-drain.
But who cares?
The stoic old hand-
well wrapped with the rhino skin
can tolerate everything
as the brain-drain is being suffered
without any appropriate medication.


Pijush Kanti Deb is a new Indian poet with more than 225 published or accepted poems and haiku in more than 68 nos of national and international magazines and journals [,print and online] like Down in the dirt, Tajmahal Review, Pennine Ink, Hollow Publishing, Creativica
Magazine, Muse India, Teeth Dream Magazine,Hermes Poetry Journal, Madusa’s Kitchen,Grey Borders,Dead Snakes, Dagda Publishing and so on. His best achievement so far is the publication of his first poetry collection,’’Beneath The Shadow Of A White Pigeon’’published by Hollow Publishing is available on AMAZON visiting the link,

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