Poem: I Pray for You
By: Zunayet Ahammed
When I’m free and nothing to do
I delight in recollecting your name
More than seven times
Defeating a school boy’s passion for his sweetheart.
In watching TV if I feel uninterested
I recall your reminiscences quietly
Like a tiny boy
Articulates a flower’s name many times.
If I’m bored with reading books, I picture your beauty
Dazzles my eyes
And solaces my heart
Having your whiff.
When I’m on the way to campus, I jog your memory
To remove my weariness in the bevy
It imparts me potency and bliss to go ahead in the sun
Even in danger.
When I miss you over Cell
My cramp crosses the limit of patience
Feelings of me then hurt me
And flow of consciousness makes my life messy.
When I visualize you in hard times
I can’t put up with it
And only see the game of grief
Tormenting me within.
When you’re busy doing studies
and other house hold choirs
I enjoy it gleefully
Not finding you in melancholy.
Above all, all day and night
I want you to shower with peace and harmony
Thus I pray for you
That nobody can imagine.
Zunayet Ahammed is an Assistant Professor of English at Northern University Bangladesh (NUB).