Poem: Cloud Nothingness
By: Sudeep Adhikari
Solitary, stoic
silent and stoned
a god stands tall
with his fractal emptiness;
green, saffron and vermillion red
melting on his mighty chest
while the sleep-walking witch
sways in aqueous ecstasy
her silty mist of lust and love
pervades the effulgent infinity
of absence
supreme and shy.
And I watch those flying saucers
of luminescent gold-fire
quietly babysitting the sons of silver silence;
I am the Schrödinger’s cat
dead and alive
aware and amored
countless, yet one
I am the Godhead reinvented within
a punk Buddha
shitfaced in your cosmic disco;
A spectral shape of decay and dust
a psycho-sonic ripple
crafted out of your ocean noise.
Sudeep Adhikari, from Kathmandu Nepal, considers poetry to be an impersonal act, largely deriving its content from unconscious psychic undergrounds. He is a PhD in structural engineering and is currently working in Nepal as a Structural-Consultant/Part-Time Lecturer. His works have recently been featured in Verse-Virtual, Arlington Literary Journal and Zombie Logic Review and is waiting for few more publications with Soul-Lit Magazine and Manhattan Linear in early 2016. He likes to spends his leisure time traversing the space between the profound and the nonsense. The author can be contacted at adhikarisudeep0@gmail.com.