Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By: Ndifreke George


Unsaid words fill my mouth
Like butterflies
They want to fly
Like the birds
They want to be free
Free to be seen by those eyes
Which have stayed awake
They want to be heard by those ears
That’s teeming to hear
But they are trapped somewhere
In an atmosphere of fear
fear of you
fear of me
fear of us
fear of them
fear of all fears
And fear trapped in that fist
fist of how
fist of where
fist of when
fist of then
fist of all fists
Don’t call me a coward
Until you’ve fought my battle


Ndifreke George is a Nigerian writer. His works have appeared on The Kalahari Review, Tuck Magazine, Blankpaperz, Social Justice Poetry, The Poets’ Community, Praxis Magazine, Medium, Poems and Poetry, Bravearts Africa, The Antartica Journal and Parousia Magazine. You are sure to find him scribbling at a corner. He is a sanguine who talks a lot, but not as much as he writes. His personal mail is




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