Literary Yard

Search for meaning

By: Kimberly Potter Kendrick


Words too dark in shadows of light
Words with meaning, words screaming
Quiet words, almost whispering
Gently ink touches the parchment

Light of a candle, ink and quill
Writing throughout the night
Thoughts flowing
No time for sleep

Compelled to write day after day
Writing for captive readers
Comprehending various meanings
Literary critics scrutinizing
Writing for themselves

Fiction, of course.
Truth exposed on paper
Words do not lie
Driven by pain, joy, stunning flowers, wrinkled faces, gut-wrenching laughter heard from the street

Darkness induces inner-most intentions
Love and joy intertwined, dancing gleefully
Shining sun ablaze coaxes aspirations
Sinister contemplation prevails as the moon rises

Ink and quill faithfully toil
Music on paper
Soft and sweet lullabies
Classic rock blasting

Feelings rise to the surface
Thoughts passing across paper
Poetry soothing souls
Reaching out to those in darkness
Touching exuberant lives

The author writes for me.





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