Poem: Puppeteer
By: Kate Noble
If you thought for a moment some guy sits on high
And pulls at our tensed strings from lofty cloud skies
To choose in an instant who lives or who dies
Or how someone acts in the blink of an eye
You’re surer in trusting than me
If you think that world pain and confusion’s unfair
With some holding more than its right they should bear
Seem spirit-propelled by some mystical care
So relief coins can sigh – glad we’re not living there –
You’re surer in trusting than me
If you thought that the answers are written on palms
And motives for reasons stage-managed with charms
Salvation’s prize buried in riddles and balms
So no-one can ever fall foul of cruel harms
You’re surer in trusting than me
If you think that salvation will come if you’re good
Your all-reasoned deeds done so well understood
So no-one will trip you up e’en if they could
‘Cos threads bonding people are thicker than blood
You’re surer in trusting than me
If you ever considered that death for a cause
Or acting as martyr can trigger some pause
And pressure those chosen to call halt to wars
With some high up guy pulling strings in it all
You’re surer in trusting than me
The luck of the charmed ones
The gains from vain good
The conquests of evil
Are ne’er understood
When riddled with doubting and seeking on high
Blind feeling up taught strings finds blanks in the sky
We’re dropped back to earth to find some other guise
– Some role inexplicable, hid from our eyes –
Obliged to hang on for the curtain to rise
I’m surer to trusting this way
When it feels like our moment of reckoning’s here
And feeling abandoned that no-one comes near
We’re offered winged up-lift despite blinding fear
Our shrouded view makes us resist holding dear
If fore-warned we could have raised everyone clear
I’m surer to trusting this way
I struggle to trust what it is that is there
That seems ever more than us, laying us bare
That’s course is incessant, evoking hushed scare
Revealing our raw sides, yet urging our care
Though what we can offer is so hard to spare
I’m surer to trusting this way
I trust that a dark side can offer us light
That searing bright mirrors can show us our plight
We cannot escape such glare try as we might
Its finger-long shadows explore our grim nights
Concealing their mysteries away from our sight
I’m surer to trusting this way.
You ask what the show is if someone’s not there
To script out the answers and dim curious glares?
Who’ll give salve to conscience, reducing our scares?
Some hold on determined they’ll still be found there
When truth shows, it all along rests in our care
I’m surer to trusting this way