Literary Yard

Search for meaning

By: Balu George

Photo by Milan Popovic on Unsplash

If somebody boasts, let her be.
If somebody does not boast, let her also be.
If somebody eats chicken by the reasoning that they can’t fly, let her be.
If somebody thinks it shows a lack of empathy to one’s fellow creatures, let her also be.
If somebody smokes, let her be.
If somebody thinks smoking is the sign of a loose woman, let her also be.
If somebody thinks a pouting selfie is cool, let her be.
If somebody thinks selfies are silly, pout or no pout, let her also be.
If somebody thinks all devotees are hypocrites, let her be.
If somebody has faith, let her also be.
To each their own.
Everybody is shaped by their own set of circumstances.

What am I trying to say?
Don’t judge. Let the mind be at peace.
I am not joking.


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