Poems: ‘Room and Heart’ n ‘Dawn’
By: Hardeep Sabharwal

Room and Heart
While vacating a room
Someone who goes
Covers all the necessary things
And leaves
Waste things
Scattered here and there
In the room,
In the same way
When someone goes out of the heart
Takes away
All the happiness and
Necessary cheerfulness
Which makes life, a life
And leaves all the depression
Deep down in the heart,
Empty room is filled with junk
And the empty heart is crushed by
The mountains of sorrow,
And one day to
Embrace empty room
Someone comes and
Throws away
All the junk
Decorating the room
With a new life
New colors and new lights
In heart,
When a new relationship
Takes birth
Cleans and clears,
The old dust of sadness
And again recreates
New desires, new waves
Like a new love……
In the end,
Only truth survives,
Bitter and alone,
All the walls of bias ness,
The Sand castles of lies,
And you come out,
As you are,
Under even how many coatings,
A number of masks,
Truth is not like a painter,
Who can colour the sketch of life,
With colours of the wishes,
Not it is a poet,
Who can create new meanings out of words,
And really,
It has not learnt from us,
How to trick and decieve.
It is said,
That in the end everything become blurr,
Or out of visions,
But truth is like a sun, who
With its rays, illustrates
And clears all the mist, and
Changes the dusk into dawn
Hardeep Sabharwal is from India, He completed his M.A from Punjabi University Patiala in English. His work has been published in various online and print Magazines, The Larcenist, In flight Literary magazine, Topology Magazine, Zaira journal, The Writers Drawer, Amomancies magazine, Quail Bells, Literary Yard, NY Literary Magazine, Jankriti International magazine, Hastakshar web magazine, Literature Online, PIN Quarterly Journal, Delhi Magazine, Alive, Setu and in few newspapers, In 2014 he won the Yoalfaaz best poetry competition for his poem “HIV Positive”. In Dec. 2015 he won second place in Writers Drawer international poetry contest for his poem “The Refugee’s Roots,”
His poems In Hindi has been selected by Poetry Society of India for the anthology Amaltash Me Satdal ( best poems of 2015), In June 2016 he won third place for his story “The Swing” in The Writers Drawer short story contest 2016. Poems in Hindi has been selected for the new Anthology of poetry society of India Dhai Aakhar Prem ( Hindi) and Yatharth( Hindi) . He occasionally writes on his personal blog, His work has been also included two times in the Anthology of stories and poem Circus of Indie Artist, US. In Sept 2015 he won third place in Pratilipi Flash fiction contest 2017 ( Hindi).
Like a breath of fresh air. – tsk
Love to read this! Can`t wait to see more.