‘for the sake of sea wolves’ and other poems by Paweł Markiewicz
By: Paweł Markiewicz
for the sake of sea wolves
cribbed pearls
the pirates are dancing aboard
despite of a seagull-like angriness
lories as well as the pearls
a meek hoard of the sea wolves
dreaming of the propitious
lories and pearllet
the two were vended to ferrymen
in a vetust harbor
on account of mariners
the summery redglow of morning
a keel is swimming to a new island
laden with pearls
the pearls in the hand
of a dreamful ferryman
in the picture
a pearl and the sun
both enchant our minds
bright of red sun
for the sake of the pearl diver
the sea water-bow
the pearler yet immersing
bewitched of a seaweed
the seaweed awash
the meekest pearl inside
hidden by a seaman
the lovely pearl
so called an angelic tear
Japan gasconades with the breeding
of the dreamiest mariner
in the painting
shrouded in the nature
shortly after morning quiet
gulls within their fight
into to pearl-like land
the sea of the pearls in autumn
white seagullings are carrying legends
about sea peace
pearl’s trail with the heartlet
tender ebb tides are bewitching
a sea-sheen