‘Humanity’s Best, Shown From Within The Rainbow’ and other poems by Linda Imbler
By: Linda Imbler
Humanity’s Best, Shown From Within The Rainbow
Neutrality, a green light,
saying go, to your reflective mind.
Refuse to take quick part in divided views.
Roll things around in your head first,
looking at every view,
examining every perspective before you answer.
Tonality, bright as orange,
while avoiding the burnt effect of over-expression.
Avoid any suggestion of dissonance.
The hot syncopation
of your sound musical judgement
read as positive emotion.
Vitality, the power of enduring,
red, part of the biological making, blood.
Blood not spilled, but seen as life,
no backward creation here.
Ever becoming more grand, life,
the sheer flashing of the glory of dawn,
flower faces rising upward,
and the trains of stars in gleam.
Technicality, the small details of sets of rules,
nested within necessary documentation,
that guards the rights of all.
Blue sometimes as almost silver,
situations assessed within the context of solid law,
decent regulations written with solicited accuracy.
Congeniality, friendship and kindness,
yellow, bright smiles,
the highest manner of sentimentality,
the tender seeking of love.
No missed regard here, all consideration
found for each and everyone,
believing commonalities outweigh differences.
Veracity, indigo’s strength,
propping up the clear might of unblanketed truth,
sifting out and repelling lies,
the stiff merit of chronic honesty
blessing all conversations.
Respectability, violet is its own color,
integrity, grounded in honor.
Honest news from violet,
seen with the same clarity as glass.
There’s nothing wrong or hidden here,
violet, an invincible force
for the world’s most excellent reputation.
An apparent need in our world
for the entire polychromatic arc.
Humanity’s best,
shown from within the rainbow.
The Uselessness of Quickened Alchemy
Those astounded by her iniquity
find themselves ensnared.
She has talents for transformation.
Give her simple ingredients,
and she will perform her modifications.
From salt to tears,
mercury formed as silver-white mirrors
that trick rather than show truth.
Silver, becoming coins of treason,
copper as a penny for your thoughts
which she an easily read.
Gold, easy to shape or bend to her will
as she can you.
All seven stages of alchemy,
one for each day of the week
performed within seconds.
It’s a great thing that we,
without her talents,
have the leisure of time
to transform ourselves at a slower rate,
so we can do so in a more positive manner.
Temple Moon
In Heaven, memories fade.
This is why the dead do not visit.
They no longer remember.
God remembers real sin
he took from us.
Angels he sends try to change things.
They aim to help you
understand why it is that you live.
Heart and Earth,
within and without,
Earth and space,
up and down,
sky and graves.
The esoteric scent
of sage and incense.
We, as builders.
Who are the teachers of the builders?
The Earth spoke to the moon.
The moon spoke to the sky.
Has the need for temples passed?
For teachers?
For builders?
For angels?
Why then do we still have death?