‘Breathing’ and other poems by Cauvery Chauhan
By Cauvery Chauhan

The vehicles walking,
The clouds moving,
The birds have disappeared.
The red, yellow, white, and purple hue
Is baking the dusk.
The wind blowing,
The victory preaching,
The vision has become clear.
The music, screams, and chattering
Is welcoming the glorious end to the day.
The bells ringing,
The steps counting,
The brains have become thoughtless.
The stars, moon, and the complete galaxy
Is sleeping tonight.
Far and away
The stars are stuck at an infinite distance
And so is my soul.
If you held my love in your eyes
Somehow, I remained unaware
You couldn’t hold me close.
With the moon above and the universe around,
Your body felt cold and your spirit warm.
And I stood numb.
The songs were played on a far away land
Your voice took my breath away
But you, beloved, could not reach my heart.
Your glamour couldn’t praise my worth
Nor my worth so important to your wind of glitters, chase the right path.
And so, now I fly away from you and me.
I fly away to cherish myself tonight.
The Ultimate Sighs
Oh, Sunday passed,
And so did the week.
Oh, the emotions lay trapped,
And so does the guilt.
Oh, the fears are endless,
And so is this path of sorrow.
The sky- beautiful and shiny, is now fading away.
The loudness, covers the emptiness.
The chaos create a havoc.
The mind has thoughts, scary and uncalled for.
The body is collapsing, the bones are melting.
The creaking noise is following the blood.
The heart is too heavy.
The heart is too weak.
But the face has a smile and a laugh.
The eyes as if unaware of the façade, show what’s within.
And the soul?
Oh, it is just old and tired from the past.
Capturing it’s Essence
I walked down the isle called LIFE.
Painted all my emotions on the empty canvas.
The colors – purple ,orange, crimson…
Made all the black and white disappear.
The chaotic thoughts rumbling,
Made every feeling precise and all the visions clear.
Every grey cloud was followed by the swelling breaths of summer,
Every rain drop made the scars impeccable.
And finally the sight praising the portrait, so fearless and wild.
The portrait of a prepossessing entity and an endless smile.
this is absolutely beautiful, i am in love
So well written loved every part of it .
Keep writing .