My Mother
By: Alyssa Sarigumba

Walking through the garage door
Hearing the sizzling hot pan
Complementary to the pleasant smell from the kitchen
What a wonderful mother
I dribble the ball towards our basket
Noticing one familiar voice from the crowd
Yelling my name loudly, cheering me on
What a wonderful mother
Asking how my day was
Caring about how I am doing
Checking on me if I need help with anything
What a wonderful mother
On the road to where I need to be
Driving through traffic to come pick me up
Hoping I am safe wherever I am at
What a wonderful mother
Leaving early in the morning, driving through traffic
Arriving at work, doing her job with all her effort
Earning money to support our family
What a wonderful mother
Such a caring and loving woman,
Beautiful inside and out
She is my role model,
my wonderful mother