‘Time of Day’ and ‘Freeze Frame’ by Leon Stevens
By: Leon Stevens

Time of Day
Sun on the horizon breaks
The birth of a day
As the world awakes
Birds stir
Middle of the day
Lifetime a world away
Brightness blinds
Unless clouds hide
Blue sky
Life slows
Darkness grows
A shroud of stars
Drawn over the earth
Sleep until the dawn calls
A new rebirth
Freeze Frame
I snapped my fingers
And stopped the rain in mid-plummet
A million tiny lenses
Magnified the world
I saw
Suffering, perseverance
Kindness, sorrow
Misery, compassion
Tolerance, agony
Pain, sympathy
Unity, divisions
Grief, generosity
Peace, war
Purpose, despair
I blinked, and the rain continued to fall
I continued to walk
And let the world cry
And cry it did
Leon Stevens is an independent author, composer, guitarist, songwriter, and artist, with a Bachelor of Music and Education. He published his first book, Lines by Leon: Poems, Prose, and Pictures in January 2020. It is an eclectic mix of poetry, prose, and short stories that address the subjects of loss, struggle, human behavior, and environment in both humorous and thought-provoking ways. More at www.linesbyleon.com
Thank you, Onkar Sharma, for accepting my work. It is always a pleasure to be able to share my writing!