Literary Yard

Search for meaning

‘Halved Sonnet’ and other poems by Adi

By: Adi

Halved Sonnet

Forget for once the nights,
I ask of you, my love:
Row these boats with me,
Light rivers to above.
You try—the moon you peel
Falls and a sun reveals
Anew’d colours to us, to love.


Rain Days That Never Were

Clutched palm in palm
We walk rain soaked roads
Quickened By water and will
Our fastidious steps
Navigate lamp posts and potholes.
Your cheese-cheeks,
Drip Tears not your own.
Rain soaks the road we tread
And shape shifting buildings pass:
Square loaf theatres,
Dome donned museums,
Silent Clock towers.

Hold on, friend, you sure they were buildings
and not the years that passed?

Calendars tick like clocks.
Moments stretch into years.
Rain falls still
Like the postcard
I send myself here
After year after year.
Rain writes
On windows
Forgotten tales.

Now, a-
Lone thought ripples my mind:

That I who love the rain,
Must have known love sometime.


The Claiming Of A Sky

now is peace time
and stones and guns
doze in dark patience
yet steel jets of war
rip through skies and
trail white piss and
growl in seismic
hawks shriek
but never does
a predicament follow
it’s tuesday here
or wednesday i know
from my tiny roof
i gaze at the birds
they have no birth
or death they are
always there always
sunlight daubs my eyes
i think: if the land
of our country belongs
to us then the sky above it
may also be ours
i must be right:
if the sky is ours
then the square
above my roof
must be mine
(fun thought, keep going)
so now I own
a share of sky
a square of sky
half a cloud, &blue&blue
columnae ad infinitum
hawks shriek still
passing through
my walls they
enter and leave

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