Scream and Shout
By Eric P. Koch

I scream and shout as I storm into battle
Through mud and field I run.
Firing at the unseen “enemy”
But enemy, no, that can’t possibly be
For they are all my brothers.
I scream and shout as I storm into battle
Through mud and field I run.
Firing back at me they are
Blood and death all around.
But, oh it can’t possibly be
That I’m among those hit.
I scream and shout as I storm into battle
Through mud and field I run.
I can not, but would like to
Curse the day those men were born.
We’re the same; no difference
I’ve done over and over what they’ve done to me
But I know for sure that it can’t possibly be
That I’d do the same if we met.
I scream and shout as I storm into battle
Through mud and field I run.
I clutch my breast as I fall to the ground.
The sick color of red I see
But please, oh Lord, it can’t possibly be
That my life will soon be snatched.
I scream and shout as I storm into battle
Through mud and field I run.
My thoughts soon drift to my wife and kids
as I lay upon this field of death.
Her caring and their laughter may forever be
Gone from me. Without a trace.
But oh, could it ever possibly be
That their face I see no more.
I scream and shout as I storm into battle
Through mud and field I run.
The thoughts of my beautiful wife and children
I think, are warding off death itself.
I’m hoping and praying that death passes by.
Oh please, my God, it can’t possibly be
That I’ll forever be ripped from them
I scream and shout as I storm into battle
Through mud and field I run.
The pain, the blood, oh the eternal moaning
It’s all too much for me.
This hell I’m in, I fear,
Outweighs the love for family.
But oh, how could it ever be
That I dearly want to die.
I scream and shout as I storm into battle
Through mud and field I run.
I lay upon the blood-soaked field.
This God-awful field of the living dead.
I can feel the end, oh please let it be
Oh let me fall asleep tonight