Selfie Damsel
By: Chandra Shekhar Dubey

The door opened ajar
She pushed into the hall
like a mermaid diving deep
into sea wading through the
platter of pearls and row of hedges
burning, blushing like glow worm.
She enters flinging her hair
peeing into her mobile screen
the lovely countenance beams
with the narcissistic joy.
She smiles casting her glance at
awaiting eyes with perfect understanding.
She droops to fix the lashes of her sandles
She stoops to conquer hearts of all
and gently slips to the crowd at centre
to take her selfies in poses many
the hall reverbates with chants
‘one with me, one with me’.
Not to hurt anyone true to her demeanour
she took selfies many in multiple poses.
Keeping the crowd at some bay
slid her goggle from head to her brows
waved to the gentry tweaking ‘Bye, Bye..’
As she walked flaunting her gait
all hearts set to the passing spectacle .