Loss of Integrity
By: Farumbo

Why do i always feel judged on my look
Like re-reading your favourite parts of your favourite book ?
Why do i feel this pain deep inside ,
If I suffer for eternity i may just deeply cry .
When i say i want to be alone
It’s the wrong time ,
When i say i don’t
They do and that’s fine .
People need time to heal –
Need time to seal –
That problem at their head ;
Burning every possible thread .
You know, most days i feel I’m in a circle.
Circle of emptiness, full of puzzles
And yes I ain’t perfect
and yes I judge
But no ones perfect
At least I try to control my
smudge .
Right now though,
I just feel like drinking;
With This stress
I just wanna start smoking…
Fill my mind
Good and positive,
Some I pray in reality don’t bind. . .
This is from your friend,
Wonderfully written!
It’s the jumbled up feelings and strained thoughts that keep a person at war with themselves and others. How to… Why not… Will the pain ever be over? It’s a step by step process and the pattern changes every time. 🙂