‘Lost Sagacity’ and other poems
By: KJ Hannah Greenberg

Lost Sagacity
By sounding smooth or inviting, sagacity often vanishes
Among words, turns of phrase, weird little expressions.
Consider; a surfeit of depression, weight gain, glandular
Trouble, fatigue can be sourced to rhetorical brouhaha.
When fighting “monsters,” one’s own, or those of other
Folks, first assess goings-on for irregular tone, cadence.
Second, keep in mind that unkind remarks continuously
Cull events that operate better as discarded commotions.
Third, it’s hardly pugnacious to face down people deemed
Easy targets while “valor’s” measured in sacrifices lived.
Next, whereas it remains important to think about family,
No cousin ever rescued a braveheart from burning shrubs.
Alternatively, relations who bear witness, on behalf of
Expressed causes, maintain reverence for the status quo.
What’s more, mumbled responses notwithstanding, it’s
Okay to eschew engaging in thinking about the “elect.”
Meaning, when sliding off moral high ground, downhill,
Toward tantruming, personal “house cleaning” is salient.
See, increased sensitivity to one’s environment indicates
A real presence of self even among hurtled accusations.
Gradually, health reappears. Then, we can stop auctioning
Components of every process that produces needless ash.
To be likable, easy with whom to commune, often costs
More than ordinary bumps and boulders of life—such
Mindful interactions depress less endowed individuals.
Meaning, people accustomed to hinky goings-on bristle
Upon being confronted by niceness, kindness, various
Other good-natured manifestations of normal humanity.
True, friendliness remains a virtue whereas few yummy
“Medicines” slide smoothly or produce warm innards.
Sometimes, prime character traits devastate like poison.
The Stuff of Journals and Novels
Like most etiolated plants, people wilt when enduring undernourished states.
Whereas an affinity for verbal fluidity might be peculiar, concurrently, it’s a
Communication facet that must be incorporated into all species’ commands.
Claiming to playfully employ certain themes might urge readers to presume
Accountability for intrapersonal and interpersonal goings-on, while likewise
Might ensure no job searches for raconteurs or for court jestors stand vacant.
Consider that sunsets and kittens have been the stuff of journals and novels
For long centuries. Even ancient humanity recorded responses to love, lust,
Loss, just as tenacity and integrity carried on as questionable commodities.
See, cleaning plus donating often equals flexibility coupled with plastic-like
Satisfaction. What’s more, aloe vera, those fecund plants, multiply like cats.
Else, they’d continue to be missed at garage sales and greenhouse giveaways.
After all, competing with evil doers, in the universe’s center, beyond safety,
Along jetties, breakwaters of sorts constructed to guard against matrix-like
Childbirth options, requires our best attention to leafy details, sappy origins.