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Anwar Hossain’s Management Education and Environment: A Cream of Research

By: Mohammad Jashim Uddin

Anwar Hossain is a prolific university teacher in business education. He has engaged in teaching more than fifty years in University of Dhaka and some other private universities. In his teaching period and administrative tenure, he has paid his concentration in research nationally and globally.

With an academic and administrative career spanning nearly for five decades, Professor Anwar Hossain was the key person in designing and introducing the undergraduate business education programme (BBA) in the country. He was the former director of IBA, University of Dhaka.

Staying in the USA in 1971, he collected money for the freedom fighters and the Liberation War. Since then, he decided to contribute to the education of Bangladesh and he becomes worried the alarming changes to the global worm. Then, he focuses his concentration in research to relate education with environment. As a result, he has produced a good number of qualityful academic research articles that have been publish home and abroad journal. Among them, he has chosen sixteen papers that are very relevant to the present global warming.

The papers are: “Co2 Emission, Power Consumption and Economic Growth in Bangladesh: An ARDL Bound in Bangladesh”, “Socio-Economic Background and Performance of the Students at Presidency University in Bangladesh”, “Building Corporate Image through Recruitment Advertising: Interface between Human Resource and marketing”, “Women Workers of Ready Made Garments (RMG) Sector in Bangladesh: A Comparative study on Their working Condition and Grievances”, “World Economy and Bangladesh Perspective”, “Globalization and Business Management with Special Reference to Bangladesh”, “Social Capital and Poverty Alleviation : The Case of Bangladesh”, “Farm to Market Strategy: An Indigenous Technology Dependent Supply Chain in Food Processing SMEs”, “Impact of Technology Density on the Agro Processing SMEs: An Insight Study on Bangladesh”, “Approaches Towards Standardization and Adaptation, Preferred by Major Multinational Companies Operating in the Consumer Goods Industries of Bangladesh”, “Prospects of Crocodile Farming in Bangladesh”, “Human Resource Management and Strategy and Strategic Planning for Non-Profit Organizations”, “Management of Health Organizations in Bangladesh-Some Organizational Aspects”, “Organizing Culture of Selected NGOs”, “Social Constructions and Modernization”, and “A Comparative Study of Job-Satisfaction in Bangladesh.”

In “Foreword”, Dr. Carmen Z. Lamagna nict writes “The book encompasses many relevant issues on management and some broad contemporary issues like Globalization and specific environmental issues like carbon emission. The readers will find the book as a serious collection of empirical and case study research along with observations on global and social issues.”

In “Preface”, Anwar Hossa expresses the background of the articles and the reasons of compilation of the articles in a book. He says, “During my entire teaching and cademic administrative career which spans for almost five decades I have written many research articles and published in local and international journals. They are diversed in nature, subject and content and ranging from empirical research articles to investigative articles on contemporary issues on economy and management. Some articles are under single authorship whereas some are under multiple authorships.”

In view of that the readers may find that the book will not have the common thread to unify all the contents which reflect my contemporary research interest, relevant issues of the time and the impulsive urge to take up certain topic to research on. Some articles are also based the consultancy assignments of mine or a team ended up in this book.

Reading the book, anyone can easy find something in developing his/her research and in determining to be a patriot, s/he can go through the book and can determine how to collect data for research and how to design an academic research paper.


The reviewer is an assistant professor of English at Northern University Bangladesh.

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