Literary Yard

Search for meaning

‘Fourth image of fear’ and other poems

By: Hardeep Sabharwal

Fourth image of fear

Man fears
When his pocket is full
And is alone on the unknown path

Man also fears
When according to the fixed format of the routine
A loved one not returns back
And also the thread of communication breaks

man’s fear is more at that time
when he has a dispute with someone who
In whose hands is his employment, his future

these three images of fear
Are the link between man and government
keep them together

but sometimes
Power scares man with its despotism
At that time, if man remains in fear,
In such a situation, the existence of man is certain to disappear.



Who will not want
Extra love in
Love one getting in life

Additional comfots in
The comforts one getting in life

More money besides
The money one carrying in the pocket

More fame than
The fame one getting in life

If this extra does not exist
Many things in life
Stop there
Where they are

Extra, sometimes is very necessary


Hardeep Sabharwal is from India, He completed his M.A from Punjabi University Patiala in English. His work has been published in various online and print Magazines, The Larcenist, In flight Literary magazine, Topology Magazine, Zaira journal, The Writers Drawer, Amomancies magazine, Quail Bells, Literary Yard, NY Literary Magazine, Jankriti International magazine, Hastakshar web magazine, Literature Online, PIN Quarterly Journal, Delhi Magazine, Alive, Setu and in few newspapers, In 2014 he won the Yoalfaaz best poetry competition for his poem “HIV Positive”. In Dec. 2015 he won second place in Writers Drawer international poetry contest for his poem “The Refugee’s Roots,”

His poems In Hindi has been selected by Poetry Society of India for the anthology Amaltash Me Satdal ( best poems of 2015), In June 2016 he won third place for his story “The Swing” in The Writers Drawer short story contest 2016. Poems in Hindi has been selected for the new Anthology of poetry society of India Dhai Aakhar Prem ( Hindi) and Yatharth( Hindi) . He occasionally writes on his personal blog, His work has been also included two times in the Anthology of stories and poem Circus of Indie Artist, US. In Sept 2015 he won third place in Pratilipi Flash fiction contest 2017 ( Hindi).
Awarded with Pratilipi Kavita samman 2019

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