Literary Yard

Search for meaning

Hot outside as a panting dog with tongue

By: Ruth Deming

Hot outside as a panting dog with tongue

Hanging out

I pour myself 2 glasses of pure water

And set out down the street.

The neighbors on this fancy street called

Cowbell have no idea I almost died from a terrible fall

Do they care?

They know me by that crazy blue hat

I slant over my eyes and while walking

Apply Neutrogena No. 30 especially

Around the nostrils

I salute the Tesla Family at the end of the road

Playing water games on their huge front lawn

My leg still aches like Dennis Hopper and his

Make shift crutch or that I am watching How Saturn

Got its rings a few billion years ago, which I hope to understand after a while.


Ruth Z. Deming, 204 Cowbell Road, Willow Grove, PA 19090, USA. Ruth Z Deming spent time in a rehab facility after she fell and is now learning how to walk again. She lives and walks on Cowbell Road refusing to use a walker or a cane.


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