Literary Yard

Search for meaning

By: Rita McDermott


Cold damp rain pervades the forest
While flames crackle in the stone fireplace
Beads of moisture slide down the windowpane
And the scent of burning logs fills the room.
Enveloped by the warmth of the fire
Taking in the view of the wilderness
Through floor to ceiling windows
Of an old timber lodge
A wall of snow-covered mountain tips
Surround a forest of spruce trees.
Inside this rustic cabin
Moose and caribou antlers
Form a chorus line on the walls
Accompanied by saloon piano music.
This scene takes my mind back
To showgirls kicking up their heels
Entertaining lumberjacks and miners
When they returned to camp.
As my visions replay
The golden orb in the sky
Descends behind the mountain peaks.
A beautiful landscape
Of a serene day’s end.


Brown carpeted ground
Turning lush green
Naked trees
Sprouting buds
For a summer coat
Of green leaves.
Seeds in dark damp soil
Released from their shell
Reaching out from the ground
Toward the sun
Traveling bees
Making short stops
From one plant to another.
The beauty of watching
Nature’s garden grow.

Beautiful Soul

A wondrous soul
A soul whose smile embraces
And warms you like the radiant rays of the sun.

A soul that greets all
As if they were a life long friend
Thrilled to visit with
Once again.

An optimistic soul
Even in an unkind world
Spreading joy
Like jam on bread
Hoping you savor
The delightful flavor.

A soul that has a way
Of finding grandeur
In simple things
A gaze that finds beauty
In all that it views.

A soul whose lips
Never utter an unkind word
Lips that encourage and brighten
Even on an ordinary day.

A soul whose wisdom
Is imparted in a gentle, nurturing way
A soul whose inspiration
Guides and strengthens you
During your stay.

A soul that makes you a believer
That life is good.

I wonder if she knows
What a beautiful soul.

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