‘khlebnikov’s funeral will not be televised’ and other poems
By: Grant Guy
khlebnikov’s funeral will not be televised
hlebnikov’s funeral will not be televised
laugher hlebnikov laugh
vel eh mir
vel eh mir
vel eh mir
rah rah
shim boom bah
laugh khlebnikov laugh
laughter lives
laughter lives
rah rah rah
boomboom boomboom boomboom
o, laugh, laughers!
o, laugh out, laughers!
You who laugh with laughs, you who laugh it up laughing
o, laugh out laughers
o, belaughable laughterhood – the laughter of laughers laughing!
o, unlaugh it outlaughers, belaughers laughing!
laughing, laughing laughers,Uplaugh, enlaugh, laughers, laughling
laughlets, laughlets.
o, laugh, laughers!
o, laugh out, laughers!
o, laugh out laughters
laugh laugher khlebnikov laugh
vel eh mir
vel eh mir
vel eh mir
rah rah
shim boom bah
laugh khlebnikov laugh
laugh khlebnikov laugh
laughter lives
laughter lives
rah rah rah
boomboom boomboom boomboom
khlebnikov’s funeral will not televised
do you own your own life
or the life of an imposter created just for you
there is little help coming for the original
but my god
there’s help coming from all directions for the imposter
and it will cost you and cost you dearly
and you will be willing to pay
so come on down and join the homogenous mob
sphinx words
like mona lisa
never smile
and you you
are no cheshire cat
it’s all a mystery to me
don’t be late for the matinee
it means so much that you love me
how much will that be today
that much
i thought it would be so much more
oh oh today’s the blue light specialLiter