Today, Tomorrow, and Always
By: Bruce Levine
Today, tomorrow, and always
The future holding hands
Moving forward
Toward new beginnings
Building on the past
Without looking back
Sharing the moments
And making new mem’ries
Wrapping each adventure
In a satin ribbon
And placing them carefully
In a cedar-lined chest
Treasured but not dwelled upon
As the days move onward
In their own reality
Filling the future
Like the rising tide
Bringing new grains of sand
To the beach
And the prevailing winds
Gently blowing across the landscape
Refreshing the day
Bringing clarity and understanding
And replacing fear of the unknown
Holding steady on a course defined
By internal forces
Leading the way to the future
Today, tomorrow, and always
Good use of imagery to share your thoughts. Enjoyed reading your poem today. Thank you for sharing it.