Etude in Bb
By: Bruce Levine
Far beyond the face
of the earth
Sounds coalesce
No one knows how
or why
Or how they stream
Into the subconscious
of a composer
They take no space
And can’t be assembled
like Legos
Yet they do assemble
Forming patterns
and groups
Phrases and sentences
One after another
Moving in time
rather than space
Until the whole
becomes greater than
the sum of its parts
And filtering
in some unknown way
Through all the sounds
and groups and phrases
into a new whole
And as if by magic
forming dots on a page
To be interpreted
and reinterpreted
Reaching out to the
head, heart and soul
of the listener
Transporting their consciousness
Carried along
on waves of sound
Created somewhere
and brought to life
by a composer