Literary Yard

Search for meaning

Posts by: admin

Story: The Deep Blue Goodbye

By: JP Miller Jack leaned carefully back in the white plastic chair, testing its strength. The dried, sun-bleached seat was thin and chipped, springy and withered. It cracked and moaned with his weight. He kicked off his sandals, leaned backwards,…

Review: A terrible beauty is born

[A review of I Call Myself Earth Girl, A novel by Jan Krause Green] By William T. Hathaway She’s 46. She just found out she’s three months pregnant. Her husband has been away, and she hasn’t had sex in six…

Story: The Courier

By David Hariman It was uncomfortably hot in Sierra Leone this time of year; the cooling, sometimes torrential, rains wouldn’t come for four months. The taxi jolted, hitting yet another pothole. The lone passenger in the front seat, unfazed by…

The Top 15 Richest Authors Of 2013

Unless one gets published, there are pains – a whole of lot of them. But once the first hurdles are behind, the race onto reaching the best of you, getting more name and amassing more wealth begins. Many literary artists…

Poem: Like the Village

By: Taslima Nasrin Translated by: Kousik Adhikari You look like that village On whose sky no sun rises, Only scarecrow clouds gather, Even the moon hides It’s burned face, Trees naked like old pros- No flower blossoms anywhere, In the advent…

Poem: With an Invaluable Jewel Near

By: Binoy Mazumdar  Translated by:  Kousik Adhikari Like walking With an invaluable jewel near A tension makes me pained always, I hear different flowers are there, But bathing in ocean of a person Having cuts, fear shadows my mind, Thinking where…

Story: Moon and the China Cottage

By: Brian Michael Barbeito The China Cottage was not a cottage. It was a restaurant on the one lane highway nobody really patronized save for the odd travelling soul. Moon was not the moon as in the one that sits in…