Literary Yard

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Books Reviews

Comrades in Arms

By William T. Hathaway From the Book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War RADICAL PEACE is a collection of reports from activists about their efforts to change our warrior culture. This chapter was contributed by an ex-soldier. Hi Mr. Hathaway, I…

Five Indo-Anglian Must Reads

By: Konika Mukherjee There are a lot of novels written in India every year in English. In some of them we can actually see a class of their own. However, a number of them deserve no more than a single read…

The Real War Heroes

By William T. Hathaway From the book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War “That must be them.” Petra took one hand off the steering wheel and pointed to a group of soldiers about two hundred meters away, standing along our road…

Indian novels you should never read

It’s indeed an encouraging thing to know that Indians—the middle class Indians—are finally shelling out some of their earnings to buy books, especially fiction. However, it is painful to know that most of them spend on fiction which does not…

Writing diggers

‘Writing is like going back to dark places’ is a recent thing that fell into my ears. A renowned author has said this in an interview to a newspaper. He’s not the one to voice the pains involved in writing…

The Missing Queen, a novel launched

Mythology and storytelling are fused together in Samhita Arni’s new novel ‘The Missing Queen’, a stylish makeover of The Ramayana. Set in a contemporary Ayodhya, ‘The Missing Queen’ is a story of a journalist’s quest for the missing queen of…

Poem: Where Does it Hurt

By Richard King Perkins II   Where does it hurt when cardboard walls collapse in a sodden pile around you, snuffing the candle soaking a scrounged meal and your only change of rags?   Where does it hurt when city rain…