Literary Yard

Search for meaning


The Grace of Companionship

By: Raymond Greiner  Companionship defines life. Instinctive thought is of long-term, human partnerships, sharing each day approaching the bond as a single unit, yet interacting in dual servitude toward shared goals. Frequently such arrangements lack balance, but when in sync it’s…

Left Liberals And Counter-History

By: Gaither Stewart I read a Facebook post by an American Liberal comparing the refusal of the French Far-Leftist Jean-Luc Melanchon to choose between Emmanuel Macron and the rightist Marine Le Pen as President of France to the Left’s rejection of…

Peace Chaplain

From the book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War By William T. Hathaway RADICAL PEACE is a collection of reports from antiwar activists, the true stories of their efforts to change our warrior culture. A seminarian contributed this chapter about learning…