Literary Yard

Search for meaning


A Good Samaritan and the only lasting democracy

By: Chuck Orloski   All human beings can recall times when they (selflessly) helped an anonymous “someone” in either dire need or in trouble, and felt good? Upon reflection, approximately four years ago, a mentally challenged fellow, nicknamed Moose, age…


By: Gaither Stewart The quality of loyalty has played an important but perplexing role in my life, both positive and negative, which for many years has prompted countless nocturnal ruminations about the reasons for my concern for what at first…


“Нужно иметь сердце, чтобы понять!” (One needs heart to understand) By Gaither Stewart (Rome) In his novel, The Idiot, Dostoevsky wrote that beauty can save the world, admitting however that “beauty is difficult to judge … and is a riddle.”…

Understanding Money and the Economy

A review of The Rocket Scientist’s Guide to Money and the Economy by Michael Sharp Reviewed by William T. Hathaway Most books about economics are turgid and abstruse, so most people are intimidated and mystified by this crucial topic. Now sociologist…


By: Richard D. Hartwell I read once – somewhere I cannot recall – that of the twenty-three human chromosomes, there are an extraordinary number of combinations. This – the unrecalled article went on – equates to ten to the seventieth power…