Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Tempo Rubato

By: John Best Summer nights in Trestavere, Death andTime enjoy an espresso together.Why not? They can’t hurt each other. But thatnight, down one street twisted, now a secondstreet dank, then a third so narrow, in ahouse whose door is dark…


By: Victor Azubike Drag racing- rapid accelerationThe orbit spinsAnd spiralsOn the cartwheels. Effervescence:MassAnd moleculeProportionately in motion. Flashbacks – flashforwardsNimble fingeredEyes on the dashboardEars on the ground for sound- Hapless drunken staggerOn the interstateFated fate on Sunday eveningSurge back and swift…

His ocean of tranquility

By: Rohit Gupta It was his solitude, his ocean of tranquility;as if he wanted to get drowned in it everyday;fighting with the demons inside, and never letting go of them;became a constant companion like the eternal bond they shared;holding the…

‘She’ and ‘Assumptions’

By: Shyama Laxman She She goes around the officeAsking if we have any foodA banana or even a can of tunaFor her ten-year oldWho is on the cusp of a tantrumFuelled by hunger She looks sleep deprivedThough her hair is…