Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Poem: just a woman wanting more

By: Linda M Crate they’ll burn you even if you aren’t a witch they’ll burn you simply for being a woman they’ll burn you if you don’t choose their path of mediocrity, and i have never wanted their box; i…

Poem: i’ll be your villain

By: Linda M Crate you want a villain? well, fine, i will forge myself from all the fire you’ve thrown at me; you’ve got the courage to die? because i will stop showing mercy, and i will hammer out lightening…

Poem: choking me silent

By: Linda M Crate i’ve got a lot of rage in me yet someone says you mellow as you age, but at this rate i’m going to be calm as a forest fire when i’m eighty; sometimes i think this annoyance…

Poem: The Wastebin

By: Jasmine Nihmey-Vasdi The classrooms filled with signs for recycling And bins lined up against the wall Labeled with different pictures I saw a child get smacked once for fucking around the paper bin Thought tinfoil was hilarious The teacher almost…

Poem: Encante

By: Jasmine Nihmey-Vasdi Peering below At red beads Padding the shores Earlier I felt the tender head Curious about my boat Young scales and simple teeth Dusk brings the layered concerts Of deep chambers, coconut throats. Sachamama grabs and rewinds the…

Poem: The Seer

By: Jasmine Nihmey-Vasdi opened birdcages, on empty balconies, where we sit inside. his face is overflowing with years, and sunflower sprouts. he peels me a grapefruit in bed sweet meat flossing our teeth the practice, that moves my legs to churn,…

Poem: Realms of Chaos

By: Jagari Mukherjee There are poems Buried in me Like seeds that will grow Into trees With forbidden fruit; They are already sprouting Taking deep, deep root In the soul. I cannot be A dynamic whole Unless I put pen to…

Story: Yimli’s Eyes of Buddha

By: Moinak Dutta ‘Then what happened?’ Suparna asked Yimli. Yimli was busy making noodles in her big pot. At the counter there were two people, foreigners, backpackers. Suparna cast a look at them. They were talking in English though the accent…

Poem: Welcome

By: EG Ted Davis Welcome young man. You have been found guilty of being born, thrust from your mother’s womb, first breath of penitentiary life. For this crime, you shall be given a life sentence- within this atmospheric dome. A sagging…