Literary Yard

Search for meaning

‘The way to end’ and other poems by Hardeep Sabharwal

By: Hardeep Sabharwal

1. The way to end

Ending slowly is
Always better than
Ending in a single moment
When in a moment
Any relation, object or person
Comes to an end
It is unbearable moment of separation
But when it happens slowly
Not so painful
Like a slow poison which
Slowly leads to death
Gives time to bear the pain
And also give a strength
To tolerate the grief of
That dying relationship…..


2 Rebel

We do not resist the rising of the sun,
And go to our work,
We do not oppose the rising of the moon even,
And go to sleep and are desperate to dream,
We always keep the pride of the gravity of the earth
And walk only keeping feet on earth,
We do not interfere on how to create a government policy
And we learn the lessons of patriotism as well
Our lives are limited only to the rights of
electricity, water and roads,
We are wrapped in religion, race and communalism,
We can not see a person hidden in us and
We can never think of the freedom of a person ever
That we do not know how to become a rebeli, as
Trying to become a person in the crowd
Is a rebel.


3 Incomplete relations

Lovers and beloved often
From the post of boyfriend and girlfriend
And occasionally
Husbands and wives
Resigns as
Being a Husband or as being a wife
Brothers and sisters
Are found in almost every neighborhood,
Who has given resignation
As being brother and as sister
And sons and daughters in every other house
Are ready to resign from this relationship
To feel free and fresh and
Frustrated and disappointed somewhere
Parents also have a compulsion
Give up resignation as
Being a mother and being a father,
And the strongest relation relationship
friendship also when comes to an end
throws resignation on the mouth in an instant
Just as resignation was being kept in a pocket,
And we remember occasionally
All those lost relationships
Like an old job
We miss for a moment and then forget
But do not know why
Our incomprehensible dream
Never give resignation
From the post of the dream
Lovers, beloved, spouses
Or like sons, daughters and mother-father
They walk away with us
Without stopping without tiring,
As your incomplete side
As long as our breath continues …

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