Literary Yard

Search for meaning


‘Las Cosas Pequeñas’ and other poems

By: Shontay Luna Las Cosas Pequeñas No necesito muchopara ser feliz. Mifelicidad reside enlas cosas más pequeñas; el sol, las nubes, losabrazos de mis hijas,la risa de mis nietos.Hay muchoscosas más,pero terminaré estapoema con esos,porque son losmás importantes. I am…

the vacha dam reservoir has been created as a part of cascade development on the vacha river in southern bulgaria vacha river one of the main right tributaries of the maritsa is the sec

‘God’s Will’ and other poems

By: Samanyu Kotha God’s Will A divine forceSweeps through the landBy god’s will, I feel his handHis hand that reachesTo lift me from oblivionHe whispers hopeHe breathes lifeIf it be God’s willTo renew my spiritPerhaps I will walkTo see another…

aircraft wing

A Wing-stroked Spectacle    

By: Daniel Moreschi Segmented sets of starlings sharply elevatetowards candescent skies, suspend, then circulatein sync. Their wingspans whisper sunset symphonieswhile manifesting silhouetted symmetries. With poise, finesse and swiftness, they transform the airinto an ever-changing scape; this canvas whereeach turn and…

white ceramic teacup with saucer near two books above gray floral textile

The Evolution of Modern Poetry: Breaking Free

In the early 20th century, modern poetry emerged as a rebellious departure from the structured, often rhyming verses of the past. Pioneering movements like Imagism, led by poets Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot, championed clarity, precision, and vivid imagery. Think…

photo of man wearing traditional clothes

The Mystery of Hope

By: Almustapha Umar What is hope when everything is lost and dreams are dead?I ask myself again and again.Is it a memory that refuses to fade—A fleeting thought that vanishes in shadows?Wait, is it a lost wish—a longing that’s lost…

analog clock sketch in black surface

5 Years

By: Nikolaos Rousopulos Time, that thief, creeps with silent steps,Stealing the lightness of our youth.Five years hence, what will be leftBut the stark, unyielding truth? The dread of aging, a constant reminder,Presses down with no reprieve.Our days once endless, now…

white hospital beds


By: Gregg Norman Stench of bones and bodiesCourting catastropheCamouflaged by cleaning fluidsDour faces in waiting roomsChildren run screamingDown wide waxed hallwaysWhite coats and pea greenPajama suits and sneakersFloral print gownsTied toilet-friendly in backCompassion fueled by coffeeOn graveyard shiftsWake up for…