Literary Yard

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Poem: Juke Joint

By: Ryan Quinn Flanagan juke into the end zone juke the music out of boxes I find it hard to believe the government toppled over without a little help, usually from other governments, your frenemies are most helpful that way (I…

Poem: A Man Who Longs to be a Thesaurus

By: Ryan Quinn Flanagan Your eyes are cove familiar binoculars of a particular leering dilated sentiments from broken mason jars the centuries between us a simple jump rope nobody can seem to master and you are not dead because my mind…

Poem: A Conversation I Heard

By: Andrew Openshaw We’re in a decadent spiral He claims. How dare you threaten all we’ve made With your lousy, languishing, Liberal ways. Look around you man, There’s no experience here. Granted there is a lot of Fear But entertainment…

Poem: Led to Slaughter, Chicago Style

By: Keith Moul “Modern travel: convenient speed”: Railroad Promotion latter 19th century. Amid squeals cattle came along as well. Destined to the center of stink, ever rising, to be butchered, rendered down to hooves. Miasma grew inland from Lake Michigan, emitted…

Poem: Darling Honey

By: Keith Moul Across the bow blows a divine wind, the kamikaze. A battle at sea teaches us about God; and God burns His image in the minds of the living; God incinerates the dead, so often leaving boiling blood as…

Poem: Word Whisperers

By: Mary Bone Word Whisperers throughout the day Shout words also at night Over intercoms and loud speakers. Voices come at me From many directions. Ventriloquists are on street corners Playing mind games with passersby As they look over their shoulders…

Poem: Performers

By: Neelam Singh There’s a dark side to everyone No one is a perfect picture The outside world just doesn’t see it all The inner being, a stranger, an imposter We believe what we see Mind games are played treacherously…

Eight Science Fiction Haiku

By: Denny E. Marshall as the end is near college & pro football fans gather in end zone in car accident look over at boss and scream face gone – wires exposed ufo shape house thought design a great idea until…