Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Poem: The Man in His Own Words

By: JD DeHart much has been/could be said and will continue to be said but what of his own impression a collection of memories brief experiences, the man who will forever be 33 now that he has turned Another year…

Poem: And Fact

By: JD DeHart One after another like kiddos on a playground the facts lined up and chanted at one another playing their own mystical game At the outset, it looked innocent as they rotated and hooted on the school lawn…

Poem: Day

By: JD DeHart Does this day count and measure a day? At what moment do I stop counting? I can trace its invisible fibers joining morning to noon to the death of our sun

Poem: Advertising

By: JD DeHart They expect to etch and trace in glass and gas and plastic, making me fragile house promises, foretelling more beautiful skin and life, sending me into a frenzy of grabbing, but I pause at the revolving trap…

Poem: Beach Strawberries

In a condom commercial when a former porn star sensuously frolics on a sandy beach a band of moralists, allergic to strawberries, stand in unison to dutifully condemn the repugnant acts that might result in more rapes down the Indian streets……

Poem: Not to Dream

By: Zunayet Ahammed (1) Reality is always harsh and hard. Men knowing its impact on life and earth Get no solace in life. We have nothing to do except to see and brood over a lot of things on earth…

Poem: Tough Target

By: Sri Ram Your estrogen is escorted by many testosterone… To win your heart, I need to first fight a battle with those testosterone… By the time, I win the battle, you may be engaged… Unfortunately, If there is one that…

Poem: i tried to save you

By: Linda M Crate i had a dream where you walked into the darkness forsake every goodness and the light you tried so hard to cling to, and when i tried to grasp your arm and lead you back into…

Poem: The flames of lust

By: Linda M Crate i am a flower you were the frost and you tried killing me; but i resisted your touch— likewise should you come to me again i will not fall vulnerable before you i have learned my…

Poem: You’ll hurt worse

By: Linda M. Crate i wanted to be your white winged dove, your only love; but instead i was your white winged raven left craving your touch— i know to you none of this meant very much, and i was…