Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Poem: A Popular Conclusion

By: Pijush Kanti Deb Assuming the golden sunrise and the colorful rainbow standing in the sky against the invasion of black clouds with the flying colors as the beginning of a good day a mysterious hand blooms the five senses…

Poem: A love so strong

By: Antara Roy I hope you have, somewhere there, inside, somewhere, in that inaccessible heart of yours. a secret chamber of deep, overflowing passions, You are always so cool, so aloof.. I hope you have, somewhere there, inside a secret stash…

Poem: Childhood Memories

By: Zunayet Ahammed I I saw you today In an autumn dress full of juice Like white clouds of the Sky To chuckle at me quietly Like a girl of 17 who feels woozy Looking inside and inside Not thinking…

Poem: Lost

By: Sri Ram My dear stinged bee, its your nectar writing this… If you think my nectar is impure then you are wrong… I might have fallen in love with him once but even he could not stand the weight…

Poem: A two part ocean song

By: Rishitha Shetty He stands with one leg, on the…………ocean’s edge and the other …………on the mountain top. Woman, man, beast or God- walk below my thigh, he says. His head, cushioned in clouds; his eyelids, a shroud on the fires…

Poem: Kairu

By: Rishitha Shetty She’s ten years in limbs and…….seventeen in parenthesis. Kairu scratches the velvet of the ground, with teeth knitted in the jute of a brown-pink mouth, stretched to reach the farthest corner of the face and touch- the curve…

Poem: Voices of the Dead

By: Gary Beck I think about our wounded land crushed by overwhelming burdens and wish that voices from the past could counsel us in time of need. But then I wake and remember our paucity of leadership and wonder if…

Poem: Nameless Villain

By: Linda M Crate you think that you’re the cat’s meow, but you are not hak’s strong yona just a nameless forgotten girl rude and spoiled and entitled marching through making demands no one even hears; you reach for me…