Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Poem: Rains

By: Shloka Shankar  Incessant rain pattered Across my shoulders; I soaked in the atmosphere And smelt the earth-ravished scent That kindles a passionate desire So well-known, and yet so indefinable. Bleary-eyed, I waded through Puddles and lost myself in Childhood’s delight;…

Poem: Many a Moon

By: Shloka Shankar   The clock looks at me indignantly And I wonder what I did to upset Time; I’ve whiled away countless minutes Twiddling my thumbs, Or contemplating a lost thought, Or in self-delusion. I’ve had my share of insomnia,…

Poem: Distance

By: Shloka Shankar  There was a time when Things were surreal; I was happy. . . As evasive as that vixen is, I’ve been abandoned Time and again. From us and we, I stand as my lone self; Something was between…

Poem: The Kiss

By: April Mae M. Berza Intoxicated with the words evaporating from your lips, I surrender to the innocent passion throbbing inside my chest to unearth the treasure. Silence imprisoned me for a moment until I lose all the fears, my senses…

Poem: Words under vertigo

By: April Mae M. Berza like a falling debris from a construction site slowly committing suicide as it touches the ground, again I looked up to witness how words magnetized the tongue to remain silent as if under oath, the oath…

Poem: Bipolar

By: April Mae M. Berza A psychologist asked me my dream last night. I never told her about you, that you colonized my subconscious, paralyzing me until I wake up. I surrender to the idiopathic pain when I realize you are…

Poem: A letter to my unborn child

By: Adesina Dolapo   Faraway in an unknown Unknown distant land Land she sleeps And wakes all alone All alone she lives Lives and waits Waits for me to come Waits for me to come Come take her to be mine….

Poem: Silent Stage

By: Elancharan Gunasekaran Candles lit on waxed parapets Flame tips align Piercing the night skies Holding the heavens in place For, The show is about to begin Sneaking a peak She rotates gracefully Facing the spotlight The moon basks In glamour…

Poem: Artifice

By: Rati Agnihotri To get fascinated By the morbid details of other peoples’ lives To locate art In the slip discs of a chaotic composition To whisper stranger, stranger In the middle of the night And then paint all night…

Poem: Moon –whip

By: Rati Agnihotri Please Crack the moon-whip Please No Under surveillance humanity But as i say Please crack the moon-ship Shhh, the priests sitting outside the graveyard are listening And the moon is shifting its gaze to your side of…