By: Dr. Gulshan Ara It was a small island in the middle of the Pacific OceanVacationing tourists came from afarColorful flood light painted the canvas of the moonlightFull moon in the sky and music in the air cast a magical…
By: Richard LeDue Canned Corn Left on the Store Shelf I am a genius according to a websitebecause I had some of the characteristicsit listed, like messy handwriting,even though I’ve never eaten a burgerwith the president, and instead writepoems like…
By James Aitchison It’s hard to believe that the two men who wrote the best known, two-fisted, gun-slinging Western novels had such odd, even inappropriate names. One was named Pearl. The other, Clarence. They were born eleven years apart and…
Books Reviews
By Onkar Sharma Romance stories rarely capture my attention, but Love It Was Never Meant for Me by Kulbhushan Chaudhary, alias KK, proved to be an exception. Despite sitting on my desk untouched for over a week, once I began…
By Taylor Dibbert The child custody litigation Was an opportunity For the two of them To grow closer But the opposite happened. ### Taylor Dibbert is a writer, journalist, and poet in Washington, DC. He’s author of, most recently, the…
Global PoliticsEssay
By William T. Hathaway The German establishment is in crisis. It has ruled for 80 years by charting a middle course between progressive and conservative policies. Labor and business have cooperated to achieve social and economic stability. But that consensus…
By: Annapurani Vaidyanathan Why I write Writing is never just a hobby.Sometimes, it is about giving meaningto words that have been meandering aimlessly along the lanes of your mind.Sometimes, it is about marryingtwo extremely unlikely phrasesjust so you can define…
By: Ranjit K Sahu Frozen night The stars twinkle in the moon glowBut the sky’s darkness is not missedThe earth’s weary from winter bluesAnd with snow showers it is kissed The white expanse is pure for sure,And divine as divine…
By James Aitchison In 1975, Jack Higgins wrote The Eagle Has Landed, a fictional German plot to kidnap Winston Churchill from a Norfolk village. The movie starred Michael Caine, Donald Sutherland, and Robert Duvall. A brilliant plot? Yes, and one…
Content MarketingEssayResearch Papers
This article highlights the top 10 cheat tricks to write an outstanding philosophy paper. Continue reading till the end to crack the code of an impressive philosophy dissertation. By: Hannah Williams Philosophical papers are not like the normal papers students…