Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By: Jasmine Nihmey-Vasdi The classrooms filled with signs for recycling And bins lined up against the wall Labeled with different pictures I saw a child get smacked once for fucking around the paper bin Thought tinfoil was hilarious The teacher almost…


By: Jasmine Nihmey-Vasdi Peering below At red beads Padding the shores Earlier I felt the tender head Curious about my boat Young scales and simple teeth Dusk brings the layered concerts Of deep chambers, coconut throats. Sachamama grabs and rewinds the…


By: Jasmine Nihmey-Vasdi opened birdcages, on empty balconies, where we sit inside. his face is overflowing with years, and sunflower sprouts. he peels me a grapefruit in bed sweet meat flossing our teeth the practice, that moves my legs to churn,…


By: Dr. Baswanthrao Malipatil, Consultant Medical Oncology, Columbia Asia Hospital Whitefield Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of anomalous cells anywhere in the body. The growth of these uncharacteristic cells are termed as cancer which can penetrate into the normal body…


By: Jagari Mukherjee There are poems Buried in me Like seeds that will grow Into trees With forbidden fruit; They are already sprouting Taking deep, deep root In the soul. I cannot be A dynamic whole Unless I put pen to…


By: Moinak Dutta ‘Then what happened?’ Suparna asked Yimli. Yimli was busy making noodles in her big pot. At the counter there were two people, foreigners, backpackers. Suparna cast a look at them. They were talking in English though the accent…


By: EG Ted Davis Welcome young man. You have been found guilty of being born, thrust from your mother’s womb, first breath of penitentiary life. For this crime, you shall be given a life sentence- within this atmospheric dome. A sagging…


By: Ram Govardhan With a doctorate in molecular cytogenetics, having authored acclaimed texts and a slew of columns in renowned journals such as Nature, The Lancet and Science, the holy Grail for Salabat was producing a grand, encyclopaedic family-tree of…


By: A.J. Huffman charged me $4.39 for a gallon of milk and a smile that sent two very different shudders down my back. Attraction and fear shook me into a time loop. For a moment I was sixteen, flirting with a…


By: A.J. Huffman of confusion flows from me to the ceiling and back again. It is made of midnight, steel, and something that resembles despair. A mocking reminder of inability to control basic functions. I begin to wonder if I am…