Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By: Rajandeep Garg A mess of withered leftovers of gooseberry amongst stalks of lavender sheen, a bed of leaves sepia and a penumbra of shadows dawn my backyard rough, but glowing amber with polka dots from light through mothy leaves. I…

Books ReviewsNon-Fiction

By: William T. Hathaway What will it take to end this ghastly cycle of violence and bring lasting peace, not just end this current war but create a peaceful society in which humanity lives cooperatively and harmoniously? The socialist answer…


A nylon rope Looped in Eerie folds Lay close by A forlorn human Who intends To make A quick decision Between life and death After an ambiguous spat With fellow beings Who he wants to show But cannot see At the spur…


By: Phil Temples I first met Bob many years ago. He was cowering near a stoop off a narrow alleyway in Boston’s Back Bay. His clothes were rags. His expression communicated both fear and loathing. He wasn’t even begging me…


Among India’s one of the early English novelists, Raja Rao’s name would always be written in golden letters. Raja Rao penned his first novel Kanthapura in 1932. Interestingly he wrote it at a time when English was a foreign language….


By: Dr. Ernest Williamson smile for me. upside down lift the curtains in your eyes; the sky’s acrid tears are reminding me of troubled hours; salt in my wounds, disfigured eyes ogling on the parched ground in Saigon. do it…


By: Dr. Ernest Williamson inebriated moments, with course adulteries weighing heavily on the belligerent dandelions given to me; by those romping varicose hands of yours. last winter the flowers were melting in my palm and burning with seditious lies, hovering…


By: Dr. Ernest Williamson I’m seven again; video games aren’t just games they are works of wonderment; feelings of calm before the fireworks in July at Grandma’s house. beauty is more than oblivion  of youth. it’s in my rapid fingers abusing the…


By: Michael C. Keith Things are never as scary when you’ve got a best friend. –– Bill Watterson I’ve had this voice in my head since I was an adolescent . . . 16 years old, to be exact. At first…

Literary criticism

Problem of untouchabilty has fettered the Indian society so deeply that it still persists in every corner of the country. It grips the Hindu society deeply in its malicious claws. This issue was brought into the literary limelight by none…