Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By: Raymond Greiner When I open my computer each morning it’s like pulling the drain plug on an overflowing sink. I’m uncertain if this habit is my passion or my poison. As I lift the computer’s top a lighted apple…


By: Nilanjana Nag The shore at dawn blushed when touched by the first rays of the sun and caressed by the voluptuous waves of the tide. As the night sunk into its watery tomb, its final breath rose as a mist…


By: Lindsay Boyd Lakshmi was peeved to think several months had elapsed since she last put together a newsletter. Time was very much at a premium some days, she had to admit, and more often than not it was all she…


By: Audrey El-Osta Mother and child on a foolish mission of cruel eviction, pulling furniture off walls, wearing Doc Martens so as not to feel the soft velvety fur of this rodent fiend or it’s bony claws and inbred teeth on…


By: Adreyo Sen Each child is a painting waiting to come into being. And so the painter must be patient with his colours, with his vivid shades of red, his more somber blue, his medley of pink and greens and with…


 By: Gaither Stewart      X   Lead weighed heavy on his eyeballs. Countless espressos worn off, their absence dragging him from the peak of his matinal inspiration downwards toward oblivion. Toward non-existence. Noonday light filtered through the jungle turned blue. He…


By: Ram Prasath Amidst that shining wood work on the window, draping curtain that looked as fresh as clothes taken out from dryer, the bright sun light that cut across through the house, a pair of human legs, if seen,…


By: Ram Prasath While India’s daughter video has gone viral across the world, it has also raised a lot of questions, as a freelance writer, in me. Is Nirbaya, (Jyoti Singh Pandey) the only daughter of India? What about KaraikalVinothini, Pune’s…


By: Shriram S Vyasa should have had a palm the size of fully grown maple leaves. When cupped together, his palms could have had a stunted forest under their penumbra. That is if he had held red soil on the land…


Reviewed By: William T. Hathaway This new Stanford video series investigates consciousness as the source of not only the human mind but also of all energy and matter. Consciousness is seen as the essence of the universe, a unified field…