Literary Yard

Search for meaning

Bamgbose Gabriel

Poem: Me and You

  By: Bamgbose Gabriel  In your fears And tears I share When you ache I break When you are grieved I am bereaved I bear your curse And your shame – My cross of crucifixion – Because you are the…

Poem: The Peace of a Child

By: Bamgbose Gabriel   In perfect peace She sleeps after being Coaxed with tender palms And lulled with soothing rhymes… …..The peace of a child She smiles from her dream Exposing her toothless Alveolar ridge, turning Several times to find A…

Poem: It’s about to rain

By: Bamgbose Gabriel   The trees dance As the heavy wind whistles Like an umpire in the green field Opening the long-awaited march It’s about to rain The hackles of the firmament Has risen, risen and ready To vent their anger…