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radical peace

Peace Chaplain

From the book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War By William T. Hathaway RADICAL PEACE is a collection of reports from antiwar activists, the true stories of their efforts to change our warrior culture. A seminarian contributed this chapter about learning…

Refusing the Military

By:  William T. Hathaway Chapter 14 of the book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War RADICAL PEACE is a collection of reports from antiwar activists, the true stories of their efforts to change our warrior culture. A young Buddhist novice contributed…

Radical Peace: Coming Home

By: William T. Hathaway   From the Book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War RADICAL PEACE is a collection of reports from antiwar activists, the true stories of their efforts to change our warrior culture. In this chapter a mother tells…

The Transformer: Sabotage for peace

From the book ‘Radical Peace: People Refusing War’ By: William T. Hathaway   A former student of mine works as a janitor. After graduating from college he worked as a market researcher and an advertising salesperson, but both jobs soured…

Incentive To Aspire

By: Raymond Greiner Human social design has traveled a long, meandering path encountering a myriad of challenges, barriers and conflicts. History unveils an assortment of achievements, errors, and misdirection resulting in what is perceived as the modern era. Historical sociological…

Keep On Rockin’

By William T. Hathaway From the Book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War   RADICAL PEACE is a collection of reports from peace activists in the USA, Europe, Iraq, and Afghanistan. An American exchange student in one of my courses here…

The Split

By: William T. Hathaway Differences over Israel tear apart a Jewish marriage   From the Book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War Stan and Hannah Cooper are friends of mine from college days. Both are Jewish, but they have diametrically opposed…

SAMs for Uncle Sam

By William T. Hathaway From the Book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War   Merna al-Marjan is a young Iraqi who is currently in Germany studying European history. We talked in her dormitory room, a spartan but functional cubicle in a…

Comrades in Arms

By William T. Hathaway From the Book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War RADICAL PEACE is a collection of reports from activists about their efforts to change our warrior culture. This chapter was contributed by an ex-soldier. Hi Mr. Hathaway, I…