Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Story: But Words Will Never Harm Me

By: Michael C. Keith I try to deny myself illusions or delusions, and I think that this perhaps entitles me to try and deny the same to others, as long as they refuse to keep their fantasies to themselves.    ––…

Poem: Ravished

By: Aneesha Roy She strolls into her study in Her characteristic, Neanderthal gait; Her shoulders drooping, Her skin misted with sweat; Her breath heavy And her day laid waste. She approaches her mahogany desk Under the ornate ceiling And devours…

Who was your first reader?

In most writers are hidden the stories of their struggle and how their talent–of writing– evolved, got recognised and flourished. Two hundred percent, every writer will become nostalgic about the precious moments from their childhood, of how a cousin of theirs…