Story: For a Virgin
By: Sam Rapth
At the centre of the glowing Lenovo screen, in a 600 * 500 pixel tiny window, Jack Orbit was shown, the heavens. The heavens were two. Both belonged to a girl who was proud showcasing her assets through a web cam and had purposefully kept her face above the dimensions of the tiny window.
To tell about the heavens, the heavens were round and voluptuous. Jack wanted to squeeze the heavens, suck the heavens, and knead the heavens. His eyes were wide open and so was his pants zip.
Suddenly the heavens disappeared. The chat window began to blink.
Callmeforanight typed ‘I need a big cheque. Ten thousand pounds’
Jack typed ‘I have to ask this question. What is your age?’
Callmeforanight typed ‘Twenty’
Jack typed ‘How many years later?’
Callmeforanight typed ‘I am Twenty’
Jack typed ‘I want only a virgin’
Callmeforanight typed ‘You can verify the same when you enter me’
Jack typed ‘ok’
Callmeforanight typed ‘I need a big cheque. Ten thousand pounds’
Jack typed ‘That’s much’
Callmeforanight typed ‘Remember, Virgin!!’
Jack typed ‘ok’
Callmeforanight typed ‘You have to transfer to my account number in…’
Jack typed ‘I deal only in cash’
Callmeforanight typed ‘In that case, it’s more costly’
Jack typed ‘How much?’
Callmeforanight typed ‘Double. twenty thousand’
Jack typed ‘That’s high’
Callmeforanight typed ‘yes. Risk service charge’
Jack typed ‘…….’
Callmeforanight typed ‘what does those 7 dots mean?’
Jack typed ‘They mean, I am thinking’
Callmeforanight typed ‘piss off’
Jack typed ‘No wait!!’
Callmeforanight typed ‘what!!’
Jack typed ‘Agreed’
Callmeforanight typed ‘Ok. Come to princess street, Near Edinburgh Train station’
Jack typed ‘Are we going to do it in a train station?’
Callmeforanight typed ‘I do not mind. But that’s a different service’
Jack typed ‘I see’
Callmeforanight typed ‘You have seen you may come to princess street at 5 PM tomorrow’
Callmeforanight typed ‘Wear a black suit and hold an umbrella’
Callmeforanight typed ‘I will send my man to pick you from the train station’
Jack typed ‘Do I have to pay for that too?’
Callmeforanight typed ‘No. Customer Service!!’
With that, the callmeforanight’s chat window disabled.
Jack was pretty sure. The girl is fresh. He could make it out with her heavens. He thought that, for a virgin, twenty thousand was worth.
The next day, Jack dressed up in a black suit, held an umbrella in his hand and stood opposite to McDonald’s in princess street. A taxi appeared from nowhere and came closer to him and stopped. The door opened. The driver seemed quiet.
Without any words to share, Jack got into the taxi; and moments later, the taxi was on the road. The driver didn’t speak but there was a note on the seat.
When Jack knocked the door numbered 6008, in the 6th floor corridor, of the luxury hotel as instructed by the note in the taxi, the door opened automatically. As Jack entered the room, he saw her on a king size bed.
‘Have you brought my fee?’ Her voice appeared musical.
Jack took out from his suit, a wallet and threw it on her.
She lit a tiny lamp. While she took the wallet and squeezed the top so see the notes, Jack took a look at her in the dim light. In that faint light, he was able to make out that a transparent white cloth was all on her. The cloth, however had failed completely to cover her. She was wearing nothing underneath. He began to feel like exploding under his pants.
After about four hours, the taxi which took Jack to the hotel, now took the girl, to Edinburgh Airport. Having paid the taxi, the girl approached the e-ticket section after keeping her American tourister and a hand bag at the counter. As she opened the American tourister bag and pulled out a print out, the wallet fell down on the floor drifting away from the counter as it hit one edge of the steel dust bin kept there.
In the moments that followed, A cop, who was crossing by, found the wallet, took it and checked out the notes. He then took out his walky-talky and began to shout ‘All Stations Alert. Evidence found. Fake currency packed in a wallet. Spot Edinburgh Airport. Worth approximately twenty thousand pounds….’