Poem: Nameless Villain
By: Linda M Crate
you think that you’re the cat’s meow,
but you are not hak’s
strong yona
a nameless forgotten girl
rude and spoiled and entitled
marching through
making demands no one even
you reach for me but i let you go because
no matter how loyal i was or how
many times i defended you
your loyalty was
untrue and so was your friendship
so i let you go—
i know you’re always the martyr
so somehow this will be
all my fault,
but like jeaha i’ll just jump into the sky
everyone will watch me fly
away from you and no one will ever question
they’ll just know i had adventures to go on that
you always tried to call me away from—
i was destined to fulfill my dreams
you were destined to watch yours crumble and fall
like the dead trees felled in the field.