Poem: The Most Beautiful Painting
By: Pijush Kanti Deb
It’s only the God
who painted the most beautiful painting
portraying the sacred close-up
of blissful husband and wife
yet on it
my father found a spot-
black and traditional,
hiding a pathetic story
of a luxurious philogynist landlord
who used to purchase daily
a brand new night of naked hilarity
leaving his waiting wife
in the darkness of her rotten night
but they reconciled at last
only in heaven
to hear the verdict of the divine judgment.
I found another spot-
same black but modern,
narrating a tale of an effeminate husband
and his retaliating dogmatic wife
and their separate flying
in their own skies of wild passion
but they also merged together again
falling in with each other
in the hell of a hotel
and projected a shameless noisy dog-fight
immersing the sweet painting,
the God’s genial wish
in to the black brine of their feral passion.